Thursday, October 20, 2011

My First Photoshoot/ Save the The Date Photoshoot

So one day I get a text from my cousin saying that If i could do him a favor of doing a photoshoot of him and his wife to be.
My wold completely stopped. I wanted to say no but only because I felt that I didn't have the sufficient experience to do so. In the end I decided to do it because he is family and he's always been there for me.
The night before, I couldn't sleep at all, and I mean nothing at all, I was real nervous and afraid. I may have fallen asleep for a couple of hours until I woke up and called my cousin and telling him were were on our way.
Once there we hopped into his car and we headed to Montrose Harbor, which is where he proposed to his fiancee.
The day was pretty chilly but I don't think that was why my hands were kind of shaky,lol
I needed to relax because all the poses I thought of them to do,  my mind had gone completely blank.
I took a few deep breaths and I'm pretty sure they saw I was nervous so they started giving me ideas of some poses. I started shooting away and started getting more comfortable. I had a few mishaps here and there but in the end, it was more of a fun experience than anything.

I give them thanks for giving me to the opportunity to shoot first photoshoot with them and I would've not had it any other way.

Now they are married and in the wedding, I caught the garder =)

(side note) I didn't have any picture editing software by then so excuse the editing ;)